40 years of Afterschool Programs
40 years of Afterschool Programs
Outcomes that Matter
We hold ourselves to the highest standards and align with CASEL’s five components of social-emotional learning. By tracking the progress of our programs, student success, parent and participant satisfaction, we assess and share findings. This is one of many ways we continue to improve, reflect, and retool, if necessary, with our partner schools’ and community members’ goals in mind. Ultimately, helping each participant acquire the tools and skills they will need to excel in life is our objective.
Significant Reach, Depth and Breadth
Students Served
Enrichment Clubs
Youth in Summer Programs
Annual Mentorship Hours
Numbers that Win Confidence
Years Serving Los Angeles Youth
Years of Positive Outcomes
Yrs Providing Afterschool Programs
Overall Growth
Always Ready and There for Students
Days a Yr/Afterschool Programming
Day Camp Sites Hosted
Summer/School Break Clubs
Learn how our ELO-P Programs can make a positive difference for your school community.

Success Stories
A safe place
I like Woodcraft Rangers because it is a safe space. Coming to Woodcraft after school always helps me because I can do homework, learn things or just hang out with friends.
Vivian B.
12th grade student
A transformative force
The Woodcraft Rangers after-school program has proven to be a transformative force in our high school. It enriches our students’ lives, fosters personal growth, and cultivates a sense of community that extends beyond the classroom.
Cristin Thakkar
Assistant Principal, South East High School
An amazing presence
Woodcraft Rangers is an amazing presence. They support our students’ interests by providing access to clubs and events on our campus and make new experiences available to them right in their community.
Sara Valdez
Physics Teacher, South East High School
Improving myself
I come to the Woodcraft Rangers program to test myself. The impact I see is improving myself to be a better person.
Berlyn E.
12th grade student
Hugely benefitted our students
The presence of Woodcraft Rangers on the campus has hugely benefited our students. Their programs play a vital role in our students’ free time after school – a time when students are vulnerable to the dangers in their community.
Melvin Harris
Assistant Principal, Manual Arts HS Campus